Alyssa rafidi

Supporting your sovereign Birth
& Motherhood Journey

Alyssa radiates as a guiding force in the realm of conscious motherhood and holistic birthing, embodying compassion, knowledge, and intuition as a holistic birth doula.



With a profound reverence for the innate sovereignty and freedom of childbirth, Alyssa empowers expectant mothers and their families to reclaim their power outside the confines of the mainstream system. Guiding them with grace and wisdom, she offers holistic support that honors physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, allowing women to experience birth as a transformative journey towards reclaiming their innate strength and sovereignty.Alyssa's journey into conscious motherhood ignited with the birth of her own children, propelling her to explore mindfulness, gentle parenting, and holistic practices. Her passion transcends her professional endeavors, as she lives by the principles she teaches, advocating for mindfulness, compassion, and connection in all aspects of life. Through her work, Alyssa champions a new era of childbirth—one that celebrates the sacredness of the birthing process and our body’s innate intelligence and empowers women on their unique journey of motherhood and self-reclamation.

work with me

Virtual Doula

1:1 support and guidance with Alyssa via Zoom
Available to share a wealth of knowledge and to discuss all things motherhood, preparation and support for pregnancy, birth and postpartum, home birth and sovereign birth, Birth Plan assistance, all things baby, toddler and child, birth experience and trauma processing, early birth and pregnancy loss, conscious conception and making informed decisions.
I am currently located in Mexico.
Sessions for Australian clients are only available for 8am or 11am AEST.


Alyssa is an incredibly gifted doula.Her support and guidance helped me to feel fully prepared and filled me with confidence to birth my baby naturally at home.From the start, she guided and supported us through important decisions that helped us to educate and empower ourselves, achieving our goal of having a natural home birth

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friends of the truth


Connect with me inside the Friends of the Truth Community where I am offering unlimited text and voice support.

  • Birth, Motherhood and Conscious Conception

  • Nervous System Support

  • German New Medicine Support

  • Human Design Support

  • Death and Dying

  • and more

Podcasts & Media

Contact me


“Alyssa is an incredibly gifted doula.Her support and guidance helped me to feel fully prepared and filled me with confidence to birth my baby naturally at home.From the start, she guided and supported us through important decisions that helped us to educate and empower ourselves, achieving our goal of having a natural home birth.The preparation and information we received prior gave me the power of a calm and confident birth. Alyssa’s presence and help throughout my labour helped me to stay calm and focused.She provided helpful tools and techniques to support mindfulness, such as breathwork, positive affirmations, healing balms, calming essential oils, along with supportive movements which encouraged me to flow and move naturally in active labour, providing moments of rest and to help with the position of the baby for birth.Alyssa’s words of encouragement and wisdom aiding me in navigating my labour in full trust, reminded me to return to the breath and trust in the innate knowledge of my body and baby.Alyssa’s guidance was comforting, intuitive and timely in each moment - she seemed to know exactly what I needed and when (position changes, movement, affirmations, cool washcloths, photographs etc.)I felt empowered all through my birth journey, and the postpartum care and breastfeeding help were essential to getting me and my little one off to a positive start.I am so grateful for Alyssa’s support as it allowed me to achieve the positive homebirth experience I envisioned.”

Teleah Barnes

“Alyssa helped me & guided me through my hospital stay with my premature son, she helped me to trust my instincts as a mother, she encouraged me to use my voice, she gave me so much positive encouragement & helped me understand my rights as his mother which helped my heart & soul get through such a tough time in my life.
Her beautiful words of love, wisdom & advice helped me more then she probably knows!”


“In May 2020 I found out I was pregnant and by some serendipity and miracle I was introduced to angelic Alyssa.I was so scared and didn't have much trust in anyone especially not conventional methods of birthing and my intuition told me to contact Alyssa and I am until this day thankful and happy I did. From the first moment, despite herself being pregnant and caring for her teething toddler, she was so nurturing and loving. She was so unconditional, calm and loving. An energy that I needed so much during times of uncertainty and first time pregnancy. She always responded to my never ending questions, despite her own very busy and demanding schedule. Anyone who comes across her will understand what I mean. Alyssa has the most, caring, loving, calm and very confident energy to her. You feel safe with her wealth of knowledge and know everything will work out the way it's natural and organic for the strong beautiful female body.She encourages you and helps you realise how powerful and strong you are to do things the way our body and nature intended to but in the most calm and loving way. Alyssa, was born to do this and I felt so safe in her guidanceThe advice she gave me, made a huge difference for how my pregnancy progressed and sadly when I miscarried, the first person comforted me made me feel calm was Alyssa. I was so fortunate to come across her and I am eternally thankful for her existence, guidance, strength and infinite wealth of knowledge and confidence she gave me.If anyone feels inclined to do things the way nature intended, be certain that Alyssa will make that journey beautiful with her presence and knowledge. But above all her beautiful guidance. I will work with her forever and trust her in a way, as if I have known her my entire life. You will have an amazing experience with this angel and she will show you the path we are intended to take with our bodies in the most beautiful, powerful way.”


“Alyssa provided me with well thought out advice for transitioning from one baby to two, including all things breastfeeding, napping and generally juggling two babies. I initially approached Alyssa because I knew her values aligned with mine, in her gentle, loving, natural, mothering approach. Her advice was so genuine and I am grateful for the way she put my mind at ease - that I can do it. She has empowered me to take on this next chapter! Thank you Alyssa for taking the time to listen to me and guide me.”


“Alyssa is an absolute gem. On her social media she provides extremely valuable and crucial information for mothers and parents. I have messaged her on several occasions now and she has gone above and beyond to help me, provide me with valuable information and sources and to answer any questions I had. She has put my mind at ease multiple times. I am extremely thankful for her and all that she believes in and sheds light on.”


"I reached out to Alyssa when I was so stressed out and confused on how to help my babies when they were sick and kept getting sick , I also have a very active 2.5 yr old. I was interested in oils and I haven’t looked back since, Alyssa explained everything to me that I needed to know multiple times, she’s super sweet and caring and checks in randomly to see how things are going when she doesn’t need too, she’s a very sweet, graceful, genuine personal and I believe she is gifted with the knowledge she has and the want to help other homes and babies."


“I reached out to Alyssa for guidance during the final weeks of my 3rd trimester. As a first time mum, I was anxious about certain aspects of labour, delivery and my baby's after care. Alyssa's support was invaluable. She reassured me to trust my instincts and went above and beyond to answer all of my questions and provided me with the holistic recommendations that I was seeking. Thank you so much Alyssa.”


“Hi Alyssa. Thank you for your knowledge and guidance in my pregnancy and helping me understand my choices, in standing firm for the type of birth I wanted, from delaying induction to waiting with delayed cord clamping. Your support gave me the extra confidence to believe in my body and the process of pregnancy, birth and enjoying my baby.
Look forward to staying in contact with you as my baby grows.”


"At at time in my life when I was feeling most probably my absolute worst (headaches , dizziness , fatigue, tired to the point of wanting to crash right then and there and just sleep all day, almost everyday)
I felt terrible, just terrible. No one understood how bad I really felt, Not even my husband understood
In that moment I felt so alone I needed help, I needed to reach out to someone
Someone has to help me help me feel better again (Blood work returned very low levels of iron and a few other things ) I didn’t just want to take any generic medication/supplements
I remembered Alyssa , yes she will help me, she will know what I need .... so I reached out to her ,
Knowing she was approachable and knowledgeable in all things health , safe and natural.
I couldn’t even begin to tell you how I felt when she returned a reply.
Her recommendations have not only helped me but have made me feel even better than I did before!
I can’t thank Alyssa enough…Absolute angel"